ICT Infrastructure

ICT Infrastructure
Sr.No. Description Number Remark
1 No. of Computer labs 3
2 Total no. of students 1490
3 No. of computers for students 70
4 Student:Computer ratio 16.17:1
5 No. of computer in Lab1, Lab2, Lab3 63
6 No. Of computer in the staff room 1
7 No. of computer in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Math, Jr. Science lab, English, AV lab 7
8 No. of computer in library 2
9 No.of computers in resources room 1
10 No. of computers in art, music, sports, SUPW room 4
11 No. of Computer in examination dept. 2
12 No. of computers for office staff 2
13 No of computer in principal office, vice principal office 3
14 No. of Computers for E-Class Rooms 11
15 Speed of the broadband connection 30Mbps